2023 Nursing Facilities Cost Report Deployment Update

2023 Nursing Facilities Cost Report Deployment Update

DATE: January 12, 2024

This email outlines some important information about the upcoming 2023 SNF-CR (nursing facility), the REA-CR (the realty company), and the MGT-CR (management company/ central office) cost report deployment.


2023 Cost Report Deployment Timeline


CHIA plans to deploy the 2023 SNF-CR, the REA-CR, and the MGT-CR cost reports in late January. As in previous cost report cycles, CHIA will send out a deployment email to providers with relevant information. This information will include deadlines to submit, instructions on how to access the CHIA Submissions cost report portal, and relevant documentation to aid in submission. 


Important Registration Forms for Preparers and Submitters


If you have new users requiring access to CHIA’s systems, or there were any changes in your facility’s owners, management, or realty companies, you will need to submit the following registration forms to log on to the system. Delays in the registration process for cost report preparers and submitters may impact your ability to file the cost report with the required timeline.




Information About Cost Reports


CHIA will update the cost report documentation when CHIA deploys the cost report. If you would like to familiarize yourself with the existing cost reports, some of the specific data requirements, options to submit XML cost reports, and more, please visit https://www.chiamass.gov/nf-cost-reports/.


CHIA will communicate a date for deployment, the report due date, and any relevant information leading up to the cost report deployment in an upcoming email.




If you have any questions concerning the cost reports, please email CHIA at: Costreports.LTCF@chiamass.gov.


Thank you.