What's New in Massachusetts Health Care

  • CHIA has published its first-ever dashboard of metrics to measure the state of behavioral health care in the Commonwealth.

    Measuring and tracking these key indicators is essential to advancing data-driven policies and investments in behavioral health care.

  • Overall acute hospital profitability increased 6.4 percentage points from the prior year, according to CHIA’s HFY23 Acute Hospital and Health System Financial Performance Report.

    This publication also reports on the liquidity and solvency of hospital health systems and their affiliated acute hospitals.

  • CHIA has published its annual update on provider price variation in the Massachusetts health insurance market.

    This report also includes an interactive dashboard enabling exploration into relative prices for Massachusetts hospitals and physician groups.

  • CHIA's latest analysis of commercial prescription drug trends shines a light on the drivers of pharmacy spending, including both high-volume and high-cost drugs.

    This publication includes an interactive dashboard, data visualization and databook.

  • CHIA published the results from the first Massachusetts Health Care Workforce (MHCW) survey.

    The interactive dashboard shows information on staffing capacity and diversity across 10 key sectors as well as statewide cross-sector results.

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