Announcing MA APCD Annual Release 2023

Announcing MA APCD Annual Release 2023

DATE: December 31, 2025

Calendar year 2023 health care claims data is now available to qualified applicants seeking to use the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database (MA APCD).

The MA APCD CY 2023 release includes five full calendar years of data (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2023), reflective of an additional six months of claims run-out (through June 30, 2024). Data in the MA APCD represents the most comprehensive source of medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, member eligibility data, MassHealth enhanced eligibility data, provider data, product data, and benefit plan data from private and public payers on behalf of Massachusetts members.

The MA APCD has been widely used to support policymakers, researchers, and the health care delivery system to analyze and report on population health management, quality outcomes, costs, and price variation.

MA APCD CY 2023 Release Includes:

  • Member eligibility data submitted between December 2019 and June 2024.

  • Medical, dental, and pharmacy claims incurred between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2023, with six months of claims run-out.  


Visit CHIA's website to learn more about the MA APCD, apply for data, and access data documentation for MA APCD releases.

Interested parties can also sign up for updates about future APCD and Case Mix releases as well as track the status of current applications. CHIA hosts Data User Workgroup meetings for external data users and other interested parties to meet with CHIA’s in-house data experts to discuss analytical techniques and address any data-related matters.