DataMatters - September 2024 Edition

Data Matters Masthead

In this Issue:  

Opening Message 

News You Can Use  

Data User Profile  

Publications and Data Releases    

Upcoming Events and Resources     

Join Our Team   

Opening Message 

As we reach the end of September, CHIA has had a busy month. 

In the past few weeks, we published our latest report on primary care and behavioral health care spending in Massachusetts, as well as our first-ever Behavioral Health Dashboard. The dashboard is intended to provide an overview of the current state of behavioral health care in Massachusetts, in addition to providing baseline metrics for comparison going forward. Last week, CHIA also published the HFY 2023 Annual Hospital and Health System Financial Performance Report.

In the “News You Can Use” section, you can read about CHIA’s recent Enrollment Trends reporting. Read our latest interview with a user of CHIA data in the “Data User Profile” segment, catch up on upcoming health care-related events, and see details on all recent publications below.

We want to additionally remind our readers that CHIA maintains an extensive list of external research performed using our Case Mix and MA APCD datasets. At least 23 publications so far in 2024 have used CHIA data, and it’s exciting to see what users are doing.

As always, we welcome your feedback on this newsletter at  

News You Can Use

DataMatters 2024 09 enrollment trends image

CHIA just published its latest interactive dashboard of Enrollment Trends, offering new insights into changes in health insurance coverage in Massachusetts from March 2022 through March 2024. The interactive dashboard includes enrollment breakouts by payers and product types in private commercial and public market sectors.

The September 2024 edition of Enrollment Trends also includes a databook, technical appendix, and Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database (MA APCD) programming code.

Enrollment Trends is produced using the MA APCD, supplemented with additional data from commercial payers, the Massachusetts Health Connector, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Coverage is defined as unique Massachusetts residents with primary, medical enrollment in the 12 largest commercial payers, MassHealth (Medicaid), or Medicare.

Data User Profile

In each DataMatters newsletter, we highlight a recent user of a CHIA dataset. In this case, researchers used the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database (MA APCD) in their paper, Local practice variations and payer differences underlie state-wide disparities in oncoplastic breast surgery, to explore disparities in oncoplastic breast surgery delivery. (“Oncoplastic surgery” refers to procedures that combine breast cancer treatment with cosmetic surgery to reconstruct the breast.)

We are grateful to Dr. Justin M. Broyles, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, for agreeing to participating in this issue’s Data User Profile.


What was your research question? Why did you choose that question?

The vast majority of my clinical work focuses on breast surgery and breast reconstruction. Using the CHIA database to take a deeper dive into the underlying cost structure and referral patterns has allowed for our group to question some of our basic assumptions surrounding why certain patients are offered one type of reconstruction over another type of reconstruction.


Which CHIA data do you use?

We used the Massachusetts All-Payer Claims Database (MA APCD).


What was your experience using CHIA data?

The APCD contains lots of raw data. Using the dataset required some work at first to get things organized but was easy to use once the team was established.


Please briefly describe your research and key findings.

We published several papers using the CHIA dataset. In general, we found that patients in the state of Massachusetts were more likely to have access to innovative plastic surgery procedures for breast reconstruction when they had private insurance and were located within closer geographic proximity to Boston. This included free flap breast reconstruction, oncoplastic surgery after lumpectomy, and lymphedema reducing surgery.

Which findings were particularly interesting or surprising for you?

Some of the more surprising findings manifested in the use of unlisted billing codes for free flap reconstruction and how changes in coding and reimbursement have the possibility to encourage or limit access to care.

What "takeaway" information would you like to highlight from your research and/or experience using our data?

In general, the CHIA All-Payer Claims Database was an excellent, granular source of claims data with the corresponding patient-level demographic/financial data. Using this, we were able to demonstrate that even in a state with exceptionally high levels of insurance coverage, significant disparities exist across geographic and sociodemographic lines.

Publications and Data Releases

Behavioral Health Dashboard
September 2024

Last week, CHIA published its inaugural dashboard of metrics to monitor the performance of behavioral health care in the Commonwealth.

Measuring and tracking indicators of behavioral health care provides an essential fact base that enables data-driven policymaking and delivery system reforms. CHIA’s Behavioral Health Dashboard is intended to provide an overview of the current state of behavioral health care in Massachusetts, in addition to providing baseline metrics for comparison going forward.

This publication also includes an interactive Tableau dashboard with additional data stratifications to explore.

Massachusetts Primary Care and Behavioral Health Spending Report
September 2024

Earlier this month, CHIA published its latest report on primary care and behavioral health care spending in Massachusetts. As key findings show, spending trends on primary care and behavioral health services varied across major insurance categories between 2021 and 2022.  

This report focuses on spending for primary care and behavioral health services for members enrolled in private commercial, Medicaid MCO/ACO-A, and Medicare Advantage plans for 2021 and 2022. New analyses in this report include primary care and behavioral health spending metrics by age group, payer, and managing physician group. 

HFY 2023 Annual Acute Care Hospital and Health System Financial Performance Report
September 2024

CHIA published its Hospital Fiscal Year (HFY) 2023 Annual Acute Care Hospital and Health System Financial Performance Report. CHIA reports on the profitability, liquidity, and solvency of hospital health systems and their affiliated acute hospitals, as well as the profitability of affiliated physician organizations.

CHIA also updated its Hospital and Hospital System Performance Dashboard with HFY 2023 data for hospitals and health systems with a fiscal year end date of December 31.


OOD, HIDD, and EDD Case Mix Quarterly Dashboards
September 2024

The most recent quarterly interactive dashboards on emergency department (ED) visits, hospital inpatient discharge data (HIDD), and outpatient observation data (OOD) are now available. These updates show trends revealed by Case Mix data from October 2018 to March 2024. Quarterly reports are based on interim data and are updated as more complete information becomes available.


Quality of Care in the Commonwealth: Select Clinical Quality and Patient Experience Measures, 2020-2022
August 2024

In August, CHIA published its report on select clinical quality performance measures drawn from the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) and the Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) Patient Experience Survey (PES). These performance measures are used to examine health care quality outcomes and patient-reported experiences with primary care visits within the Commonwealth. CHIA has also produced an interactive dashboard with provider-specific results at statewide, parent provider group, and medical group levels.  

Upcoming Events and Resources

Events and announcements of interest to our community, organized by CHIA, our data partners, and others

Milbank Memorial Fund Webinar: Recommendations for a Standardized State Methodology to Measure Clinical Behavioral Health Spending
Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 1PM

On Wednesday, Milbank Memorial Fund and Freedman HealthCare are hosting a webinar on a new standardized methodology and code set to measure how much payers spend on behavioral health clinical services. Such measurement can be used to improve care, set a spending target, and monitor regulatory compliance. CHIA’s executive director, Lauren Peters, is participating in the discussion along with panelists from California, Oregon, and Rhode Island.

Register for the webinar here.


CHIA Data User Workgroup
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 3PM

These ongoing meetings are designed for data users and other interested parties to connect with CHIA to discuss analytical techniques and best practices in research using CHIA’s MA APCD and Case Mix databases.

The next virtual workgroup meeting will be on Tuesday, October 22, at 3 PM. For more information, including past presentations and user support materials, visit the information page. To learn more about CHIA data, please visit


American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting Expo
October 27-30, 2024
Minneapolis, MN

The 2024 APHA Annual Meeting and Expo will take place in Minneapolis, MN, on Oct. 27-30, 2024. The annual conference provides high-quality, science-based education, engaging networking opportunities, and cutting-edge resources to thousands of public health professionals from across the nation. This year’s theme is “rebuilding trust in public health and science.” Registration and housing are open. 


National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO) 39th Annual Conference
November 12-14, 2024

Register now for NAHDOs 39th Annual Conference (Virtual), Nov. 12-14! NAHDO is excited to announce a full agenda of fabulous and engaging presenters and panels. Registration is now open and the early bird discounts of up to 40 percent expire on Oct. 12. Visit the conference website ( to see the agenda and register. 


Massachusetts Association of Health Plans (MAHP) 2024 Annual Conference: Health Care Affordability at a Crossroads—Federal and State Solutions for Change 
- Tickets SOLD OUT – Waitlist Available
Friday, November 15, 2024
Boston, MA 
MAHP’s 2024 Annual Conference has sold out! Anyone interested in being added to the wait list should email Jessica Lussier at Visit MAHP conference webpage to view the Annual Conference agenda and get more information on available sponsorship opportunities.


MHA’s Annual Women Leaders in Healthcare Conference
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 8 AM – 3 PM
Westin Seaport, Boston, MA, 02110

MHA’s Annual Women Leaders in Healthcare Conference takes place on Thursday, December 5 and is entitled “Women Supporting Women: Strength in Community Building.” The conference features, among others, Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell and Harvard University Professor and acclaimed author Sarah Elizabeth Lewis. Among the topics featured in breakout panels are: “Women on Boards – Exploring Opportunities, Challenges, and Paths to Success,” “The Triumphs and Trials of Female Executives,” and “How Emotions are Made: You Have More Control Over Them Than You Think.” See the full agenda and register by clicking here. 


Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) Annual Conference and Meeting 
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 9 AM – 1 PM 
MPHA’s Annual Conference is an educational event that virtually works to bring together public health advocates from across Massachusetts with the goal of achieving health equity in the Commonwealth. There will be scheduled sessions on policy priorities and how to work across different public health issues. At the end of the conference, MPHA will hold its Annual Business Meeting where new Board Officers and Members will be elected, followed by an afternoon session for students. Check the website for ticket sales.  


CHIA Oversight Council Meeting
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 2:00 PM

CHIA’s appointed Oversight Council meets quarterly to discuss agency priorities and agenda-setting. The next meeting is scheduled for December 11 and will stream live on CHIA’s YouTube channel.


Massachusetts Health Policy Commission
Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 19, 2024, 12PM

The HPC’s 11-member Board meets approximately every six weeks throughout the year to review overviews of the agency’s major workstreams and other topics related to health care cost containment and reform. Major reports, statutory regulations, and publications are authorized by a majority vote at these meetings. Meetings will stream live on HPC’s YouTube channel.


Join Our Team

A selection of open positions at CHIA. Please feel free to share broadly with your network. Follow CHIA on LinkedIn for more regular updates.

Senior Health Policy Analyst 
Provider Finance Team 

Manager, Health Informatics and Reporting
Health Informatics and Reporting Team



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